
  • Fakultas Teknik

Apply Now for the Australia Awards Short Course on Accelerating the Transition to Electric Vehicles for Sustainable Transport Solutions

  • 10 November 2023
  • By Admin

Are you ready to drive change towards sustainable transport solutions? We invite you to submit your application for the Australia Awards Short Course on Accelerating the Transition to Electric Vehicles for Sustainable Transport Solutions!

This two-week short course is offered to 25 participants and targeted to Echelon 2 and 3 Level officials from the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment, Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Industry, Chamber of Commerce (KADIN), PT PLN, and Local and Provincial Governments (DKI Jakarta, West Java and Bali).

The course aims to showcase Australian policies, expertise, and initiatives related to transitioning from Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles to Electric Vehicles (EVs) and how these policies can be practically employed in Indonesia to support its EV aspirations.

Women and people with disability are strongly encouraged to apply. All applications must be submitted online via this link: by 14 December 2024 at 11.59 pm WIB at the latest!!

To further assist you in the application process, Australia Awards in Indonesia will conduct an Information Session virtually on 30 November 2023 at 9.00 am WIB. This session will guide applicants through the application procedure, offering valuable insights and answering any queries you may have. To secure your spot, please RSVP to the Information Session by clicking this link: before 29 November 2023 at 1.00pm WIB.