
  • Fakultas Teknik

The 19Th AAVSVED International Conference

  • 14 Oktober 2023
  • By Admin

Suistainable TVET Innovative Strategies For Inclusive Digital Transformation And Decent Work Improvement
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta 8-10 November 2023


  1. Digital Transformation
    • Industry 4.0 and TVET Transformation: Exploring the integration of Industry 4.0 technologies and practices into TVET programs to enhance digital skills and prepare students for the future workforce.
    • Digital Skills for TVET Educators: Addressing the need for upskilling and reskilling TVET educators to teach digital skills and technologies effectively.
    • Innovative Assessment Methods in Digital TVET: Exploring novel approaches to assess digital skills and knowledge acquisition in TVET programs.
    • Industry 4.0 and TVET Transformation: Integration of Industry 4.0 technologies aims to foster innovation, enhance productivity, and create new opportunities for decent work and economic growth.
  2. Digital Inclusion
    • Inclusion and Diversity in Digital TVET: Addressing the importance of promoting diversity and inclusivity in digital TVET to bridge gender and social gaps in technological fields.
    • Digital Skills for TVET Educators: Upskilling educators in digital skills ensures the quality and relevance of education, enabling them to teach technology-driven subjects effectively.
    • Addressing Challenges in Digital TVET Implementation: Identifying and finding solutions to barriers, such as infrastructure, access to technology, and internet connectivity, hindering the effective implementation of digital TVET.
  3. Decent Work
    • Digital Entrepreneurship in TVET: Promoting entrepreneurship and fostering a culture of innovation among TVET graduates in the digital era.
    • Internationalization of Digital TVET: Sharing best practices and experiences of international cooperation and collaboration in digital TVET to enhance global competencies.
    • Future Trends in Digital TVET: Exploring emerging technologies and future trends that will shape the landscape of TVET and workforce development.
    • Policy and Funding Strategies for Digital TVET: Discussing effective policies and funding mechanisms to support the transformation and improvement of digital TVET.
  4. ASEAN TVET institution Development face of Industry 4.0
    • Best practice TVET Institution face to Industry 4.0 in ASEAN countries
    • E-Learning and Blended Learning in TVET: Discussing the implementation of e-learning and blended learning approaches in TVET institutions to improve accessibility and flexibility for learners.
  5. Green TVET
    • Sustainable Development and Green Skills in TVET: Integrating sustainable development principles and green skills into TVET programs to meet the demands of a changing job market focused on environmental consciousness.
    • Green Campus and Sustainable Management in TVET Institutions: Implementing sustainable practices on campus reduces the carbon footprint, waste generation, and energy consumption, aligning with efforts to combat climate change.
  6. TVET Institutional Management 4.0
    • Public-Private Partnerships for Digital TVET
      • Examining successful collaborations between TVET institutions and industry partners to ensure the curriculum aligns with the digital economy's demands.
      • Collaboration with industries ensures that TVET programs are relevant to the digital economy's demands, promoting skills development and employability.
    • Policy and Funding Strategies for Digital TVET: Discussing effective policies and funding mechanisms to support the transformation and improvement of digital TVET